Sunday, July 18, 2021

Floor Care Maintenance: Prime Floors

Floors are like the mirror of your house, they reflect your overall sanitary and hygiene habits. Hence, they tend to seek the most care and maintenance in all household cleanings.

Dirty floors not only damage your impression as an untidy homeowner but also become the source of many health diseases, which are caused by harmful bacteria and germs that are produced due to your unclean floors.

Therefore it is advised that you must provide your floors with great cleaning and care, Prime Floors shares with you some floor cleaning tips to protect your floors appearance and hygiene:


Floor finishings are the best method to keep your floors slip resistive, its hard and thick wax coatings provide your floor a great amount of friction,

Prime Floors provide perfect Hardware flooring for the rejuvenation of your floor plans. Its unique flooring features also make it water-resistant and its smooth finishing can be renewed anytime. Parador laminate flooring is the perfect DIY solution that comes on a modest budget and its installation is hassle-free. Its revolutionary technology keeps your floors durable and shiny.

· Easy to clean

· Stylish in appearance

· Low repairing cost


Make a habit of regularly using the best floor care products for your floors which must be chemical-free and eco-friendly. Also, check if it contains any allergens because it can produce some skin-sensitive problems.

Prime Floors have the best Floor Care products for the easy cleaning and time-saving labor of your floor treatments.


Dusting: start your floor cleaning routine by dusting it using a dry Cleaning mop, then start vacuuming your carpets and rugs to avoid any layers of dust particles.

Mopping: After a dry dusting of the floor, move on to slightly moist mopping, doing mopping prevents your floor from the formations of yellow patches and discolored spots.

Floor cleaning solutions: 
cleaning solutions must be 100% effective and have the strong cleansing qualities to clean any type of hard surface, you can also use the cleaning solutions which add shine to your floor.

Bona Floor Cleaner

Use a scrubber: use a scrubber for scratching any stains and patches, this improves the chances of getting back a smooth floor with stain-free, do it once in a week for getting proper results.


Disinfected floors are safer to walk on, as they kill harmful germs and bacteria, disinfecting floors also require the sanitization of your carpets, mats, and other flooring accessories, always using organic disinfectants or solution.

Prime Floors have the best range of Bona Floor care products which are certified allergic-free products to keep your floors safe from bacterial and fungal infections.


By maintaining a proper floor care routine with proper floor cleaning tips and methods, you can prevent your floors from any kind of damage and infections.

Prime Floors offers the best floor care products and provides the top quality Hardwood Flooring,they are the professional LOC Flooring Expert in AucklandFor finding more about their customer insights, visit their website today.

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